The top 3 reasons why most data projects fail

Lack of expertise

The competition for talent is fierce and without the proper technical skillset, tools, and business acumen, you could be wasting time and missing out on opportunities.

Lack of guidance

There are often competing priorities and confusion among stakeholders and without a solid plan, it will be business as usual and you risk losing to the competition.

Lack of insight

Solving the wrong problem is a critical mistake. Solving the right problem with the wrong solution — just as much. You could make both if you don't ask the right questions.

Pairing up with the right partner will solve those problems

3 ways we can help you succeed

Have a clear metric

Relevant project management metrics will enable us to improve our understanding by removing uncertainty so that we can make well informed decisions.

Break down problem

An issue in many projects is they take on more work than they can handle. This can make the project unnecessarily difficult and can seem impossible at times.

Iterative process

A "start small, fail fast" approach is made possible, in part, by the fact that nearly all significant big data technology is open source. 

We can help get you started on the right path

We know how frustrating it is to struggle with data and not know what to do next
This is why we spent the last 15 years helping hundreds of clients just like you harness the power of data
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Listen to what our clients say

" ...a spectacular group of professionals who were able to solve the most complex problems we threw at them. it was a true pleasure working with KCM. "

— Global Telecom Company

" KCM was able to do our project in 3 months which at my previous organization took 1 year! "

— Financial Institution

" ...hit the ground running and was able to deliver immediate value. "

— Fortune 500 Pharmaceutical Company

The top 3 reasons why our customers win


..realized their project on time and on budget

Have peace of mind

Our experts have completed hundreds of data projects. Our experience enables us to make accurate plans and execute on them.

...had a long term vision built in from the start

Be confident

Your needs will change over time. We incorporate a strategic vision into your plan that ensures your future needs are met.

...implemented the best solution


Working with us means you are not limited in your choices. Have our team implement the best suited technology for your needs.

Our customers no longer leave money on the table

They fully capitalize on their data assets

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Whatever your needs, we got you covered


Align your business goals with an innovative data strategy while giving yourself a competitive advantage.

Data engineering & Cloud

Take back control of your data infrastructure, organizing data in a way that makes it both accessible and usable.

Data Science, ML & AI

Take your data to new heights with machine learning, optimization, prescriptive analytics, and artificial intelligence.

Financial Planning & Analysis

Drive profitable growth through accurate and effective financial planning and analytics.

Our technology partners

How to work with us


Schedule a call

Real talk, no commitment

Meet with our team of experts so we can get to know your specific data challenges and help define where you want to go.


Create a plan

Deep dive into your business

Together we will jointly create and agree upon a personalized plan and have a clear path forward.


Get results

Sit back while we do the grunt work

Our experts put the gears in motion and implement the solution. Once it’s all done, congratulations! Have fun reaping the benefits of data-driven culture.

Does that sound simple? That's because it is. We make it easy.

80% of Data Projects Fail... Read How you can Succeed

Find out how you can be apart of the 20%.

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FAQs & Common concerns

Not at all. Over the years we have learned the common pain points from our clients and found ways to avoid them. We guide you every step of the way so you never have to worry about what is happening or what you should be doing. More than that, once your solution is in place, you will never have to worry about having sub-optimal data processes either.

Why pay for a oil change when you can do it yourself? Because it will get done faster. Because you are sure it will get done right. Because they might undercover issues you had no clue about, leaving your the choice to fix them simultaneously if you think it is worth the price. All the same applies to hiring us.

If our services weren’t better than DIY, we would have gone out of business a long time ago. With our deep understanding of the products we use, we can avoid the mistakes first-timers make regardless of how novel the challenge. We have the expertise to excel at solving any data problem including yours.

We can accommodate most budgets. But see it this way: how does that compare to the cost of not working with us?

What is the cost of making decisions on insufficient data?

What is the cost of letting your competitors stay ahead of curve, ahead of you, thanks to advanced analytics?

What is the cost of maintaining obsolete data infrastructure that slows down your growth?

Working with us is an investment, one that pays off quickly.

We have different products for different needs and that includes different budgets. We would never recommend a product that wouldn’t pay for itself in an acceptable amount of time. Most of our solutions have an outstandingly high return on investment.

We understand that working with someone new is a significant risk. We all know of the friction a mismatch in culture can create. Unlike a lot of our competitors, we don’t cling to a strict service framework. We give our professionals the freedom they need to adapt their services to your company’s way of doing things. Becoming data-driven doesn’t have to mean loosing touch with the essence of your organization. With us, you can expect a fully customized delivery that not only follows, but strengthen your company’s culture and identity.

Due to the fast pace of technological improvement, most of our customers don’t have the internal expertise or skills. That’s exactly why we exist. Our consultants can translate your business requirements into a technological roadmap. Our goal is that when your solution is in production, it is automated and requires very little maintenance. We can then help your people build up the skills needed to takeover and become self-sufficient.

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